I think that you will be very restricted in your choice of available items not made in the far-east if you choose to buy new. Personally, I have no objection to far-eastern products because a) they mostly do exactly what they say on the tin and b) they are all I can afford or are prepared to spend on a hobby. I don’t know if they are still available, but a few years ago there was a nice little 4″ machine vice marketed under the Jones & Shipman brand. I bought one at the time and it is very good but I am pretty certain that it was manufactured in Taiwan and not Leicester. I also have an 8″ four-jaw self-centring chuck made in China by San-Ou. It was so cheap I thought at first it may have been a scam so I wasn’t expecting much but I cannot fault the quality and accuracy which, IMO, is excellent. Even the old Nottingham Myford did not dismiss far-eastern products and marketed Taiwanese milling and drilling machines under their own brand.