This afternoon I was flycutting an ali block
Using the cutter described in DavoJ’s post above, I was running at 1200 RPM and removing 0.100″ (2.5mm) at a time, and still getting a surface finish that was good enough to not need smoothing off, in fact it was almost mirror like. I would turn that down to about 600 RPM and a cut of 0.050″ when using softish steels.
I do have a very rigid mill, and on the smaller less rigid ones, you will have to make adjustments to suit.
There are too many myths surrounding fly cutting, tiny cuts, very slow feeds etc.
If you have a good razor sharp round nosed tool, your machine should tell you what your limits are.
It is very similar to parting off on the lathe, it is just another machining operation with no black arts involved. Just the right tool for the job, and knowing how to use it correctly.
That comes by looking at what is happening on your machining table, as no two people do things exactly the same way, and no two machines will cut the same.
All we can do is show what works for us, and hopefully you can pick up some tips to find your own solutions.