So there was more damage to my dial indicator than I first noticed…caused by my caveman antics in trying to remove the bezel with a 24″ prybar (no joke, I actually did that). Anyway, I was determined to undo my mess.
One of the mounts tore out and I fixed that with a brass plug soldered in, machined, filed, sanded, etc.
The aluminum bezel got slightly torn. I hammered it to a reasonable facsimile, but am concerned that it will lift and jam in use. Any thoughts on filing this? If it was brass I could solder, but it’s AL. Can I expect epoxy to have a good finish as well as not peel away at only a few thou thickness?
Also, I decided to remove the plunger for cleaning it and its bore, but can’t figure out how to remove the pin. My screwdriver strains and risks breaking as the “screw”, if it is that, doesn’t move. It might be pressed in and the screwdriver slot is just for alignment?