I ordered a couple of Trend router collet reducing sleeves – one reduces the 8mmØ DeWalt collet to 6mm capacity, the other does the same from ¼ inch to 4mm. These will allow the use of the smaller metric cutters without the excessive overhang imparted by the ER11 collet chuck. They arrived today and look to be well made but, by golly, they were expensive. One cost an arm, the other, a leg. (Actually £30 the two, delivered.)
Just tried out the 4mm ball end mill in the sleeve and, after re-zeroing the Z-axis, it appears to cut correctly. I must have failed to re-zero properly when I did it in the last video, having checked and re-checked the Gcode a number of times in Fusion 360.
I'm going to rotate the workpiece in the vice 180° and have another go at the entire milling procedure tomorrow. If that goes OK, I might have another attempt at aluminium, though at much reduced depths of cut, around 0.4mm, as suggested by Jason.
I've also found a piece of aluminium round stock sufficiently large to make a reducing sleeve for the router clamp, so that I can mount the ER11 spindle motor, currently set up as a tool post cutter/grinder attachment, directly in the Z-axis, to see how that will go. It's an air-cooled one, not the water-cooled version that would be preferable.
Edited By John Hinkley on 27/05/2021 16:22:27
Edited By John Hinkley on 27/05/2021 16:22:53