Iain, you might consider John Stevens’ Skeleton Clock, (Model Engineer c1972*).
As an impressive starter project (that superseded my original intention of building a model beam engine), I can now describe this clock as a ‘Not really for beginners’. However, apart from Mr Stevens’ design being entirely Imperial, you appear to have all the necessary skills and equipment to succeed.
Over a period spanning many years, the project consumed a considerable amount of time, not just mine but that of many others. I can’t recall how many ME members came to my rescue.
Peruse my two albums to see the sort of ‘warts and all’ mess I got myself in.
Part 1 (47 photos) **LINK**
Part 2 (23 photos) **LINK**
*Mr John Stevens’ clock design appeared in five issues of Model Engineer commencing in February 1972. Vol 138, issues 3434, 3435, 3437, 3438, & 3439.
Then there were my own efforts described here …
Building John Stevens’ Skeleton Clock –
7 Parts – Model Engineer – #4526 – 22 Jan 2016 – Last part #4538 – 8 Jul 2016.
Good hunting.