4095 may have one of the earliest references to 3D modelling, (not printing)
M ES Northern Ireland is noted
for the number of high quality mod
els made by its members, many of
which are seen in other parts of the
British Isles during the summer as
their owners visit various rallies and
open days. In the not-too-far-distant
future we may encounter models
made by so-called Rapid
Prototyping for in February mem
bers enjoyed a talk and demonstra
tion by Robert Seaman of Queen's
University on making 3D prototype
models using resin and applying a
computer for their construction.
Using the machine in conjunction
with a laser he produced a model
skull in 3D and in double quick time.
Could the idea be adapted to produc
ing, say the body for a non-steam
locomotive, or perhaps rolling
stock? Who knows, but it is certain
ly something on which to speculate.
To generate a little cash and addi
tional interest at meetings,