I know the feeling when something just suddenly snaps off…always manages to surprice me.Happens a lot with no-brand carbide inserts. Specially some parting-off tools crumble like a cookies.
I had this problem of small boring bar and I was staring just what was at hand and I was trying to see what could be made to to work.
I’m having trouble too of drills wandering off centre. lately I have used very short carbide drill to make pilot hole. It’s a slight improvement on start. Nevertheless the hole comes inclined later when drilled to full depth. I now the drill, have to measure tail stock again…
Found center drill / spot drill thread earlier here and I ordered some spotting drils and such.
Does anybody makes stiff enlarging drills (those three flute, thick core affairs) anymore? Or drils that does almost as good as cheaper reamers? These used to used after normal two flute drills (that make triangular hole) to prepare it for reaming. I go ask this tuff to local tool shop and get an empty stare….
Made another attempt without boring i.e. just step drilling and it produced 0,05 – 0,1 mm woble at 20 mm 6 mm dia! Fitted that sob to drill rod with set screw and skimmed it outside with carbide insert…phew…not duly impressed but it came workable at 0,03…0,04 mm woble at same conditions. I really don’t understand this process completely – set screw at the other end of the adapter can do only so much to keep all 50 mm of OD 16 mm shank still – even when this 6 mm mandrell is drill rod and supported with revolving centre and adapter has reamed hole. OD came out around 15,85 or thereabout.
I’m almost giving up on using drills on tail stock and startting to consider using tool post to drill, enlarge and ream….