Hi Mick, hope you are enjoying your Faircut.
As far as I know there is no known surviving manual. 1930s lubrication specs often had much lower expectations than those of today though – I've seen one that (paraphrasing) says 'don't use cooking oil'
I feed my headstock bearings with ISO 100 Mobil DTE Heavy… which I think is the stuff recommended for Myfords… but Myfords have a different bearing design.
The oil will flow through the headstock and out again, sometimes on to the back of the chuck. I do find that ISO 100 is less likely to fly around the workshop when used in the headstock than say ISO 32. Note… *less* likely – it will still fly.
On the slides, feed screws etc. I use ISO 32 hydraulic oil (mine came from Machine Mart) which may be right or wrong.
I am sure that other opinions will be along.