Firstly many thanks to everyone for taking the time to respond. I have used a lathe since I was 16 as an engineering apprentice and I am 66 now. New things are not always better and the great news is a sharp HSS tool has solved the problem. The surface finish is good and smooth (flat) even on the interrupted cut.
Perhaps I should have added at the start, my Super 7 was a fully re-furbished machine from Myford about 3 years ago, the lead screw is good, the cross slide feedscrew is new and cross and top slides are set well. I was able to complete by Quorn grinder without any issues.
The insert by the way was from JB Cutting tools with a brand name of "TaeguTec" ,and I have never had an issue before, seems bronze is more troublesome than I remember. I will try to post a picture of the HSS test cuts shortly
Thanks again to all for the support !