Posted by Chris Mate on 19/09/2022 23:31:03:
Thanks for advice, its 2HP motor, it came with cheap 80mm 4x brased inserts facemill, mainly aliminium.
Not just a matter of rpm and cutting points, the machine has to have the power and rigidity needed to push several cutters through metal. Reductio ad absurdum, a 100 toothed face cutter would stall most machines!
Adding more cutting points to an underpowered weedy mill won't cut metal faster if the operator has to back off to avoid overheating the motor, bending the frame, or thrashing the drive train and bearings.
A 2HP motor is a good start though. Rule of thumb, 1 HP will remove about 1 cubic inch of mild-steel per minute, and if the machine can sustain that, more teeth should help especially as Aluminium is easier to cut than steel.
Can you report back? On your mill does a 6 or 8 toothed face-mill remove metal faster than a 4 toothed? It may be it removes metal at the same speed but gets a better finish or does something else useful. Or results might be inferior, or equivalent. Hard to predict I think.