Posted by David Clark 1 on 12/07/2011 15:41:37:
Hi There
I think all you need is a few holes at the top of the coach that can locate on the machine table.
Then just move the plasticard along, put it onto the pegs and away you go.
You might have to make a simple drill jig but that would be a one off operation.
Can we (me) have more information on the cutters, speeds and feeds.
Plasticard is not easy to machine as it is so soft but you seem to be doing ok.
regards David
I need to hold down the Plastikard sheet very firmly. At first I used double sided tape on a piece of Contiboard, but the adhesive on the tape proved to be a bit too strong and the styrene sheet got distorted with the forces of pulling it off. I then came across a product called Seklema Multimat. It’s a double sided sheet which has an adhesive form of surface on each side and it works superbly, holding the styrene sheet very firmly, yet letting it be removed quite easily with very little stress. Here’s a pic of the setup on the mill.
I might be able to set up a peg system but it might get a bit complicated with the Multimat and also cutting parts out. I’ll give it more thought.
As I’ve said to Keith, I was looking at a more solid support than the Contiboard. It does the job quite well but I want to work to less than 1 thou/0.025mm accuracy in the Z axis and the Contiboard can take a lot of setting up to get anywhere close to this. My main consideration is when cutting though. The Multimat is self healing to a certain extent and can accept a small amount of cutter action if the cutter gets too low. But it is pricey material and I want to avoid excursions into it as far as possible, hence trying to cut as close as possible to the surface of the Multimat when breaking through.
On the settings for milling the styrene sheet, I’m still finding out. Everything is empirical so far. I have to confess that one of the criteria is not breaking the small cutters.
At present I an using two flute carbide cutters from 0.4mm up to 2mm diameter. I’m working the 2mm cutter at 2000rpm and 240mm/min feed. I am running a 0.5mm cutter at 5000rpm and 60mm/min feed. 1.5mm and 1mm cutters have feeds and speeds proportionally between these feeds and speeds.
The depths of cuts are quite conservative – from 0.25mm for the 2mm down to about 0.1mm for the 0.5mm cutter. I think I can push these harder. I certainly found out that I could put the 1mm cutter through 0.75mm of styrene, double sided tape, the plastic Contiboard covering, and a millimetre of chipboard with no breakage when I once forgot to set the tool zero in the early days.
At these feeds and speeds I get an excellent finish, especially on the panels with absolutely no sign of any machining marking. The finish is a smooth matt finish. Funnily enough, the only cutter that gives me slight tool marks is a 5mm one which I use for large area surfacing, but I am tending to push it harder than the smaller ones.
I had always thought that machining styrene was not possible. But I picked up on an American group some time ago that carbide bits could be used successfully. Presumably the carbide mills are sharper and run cooler so there is no melting of the styrene.
Here’s a pic of the most recent set of sides I completed for a fellow S scale modeller – a Drummond NBR four wheel Brake Third – 30 thou/0.75mm sheet and using 2mm, 1.5mm, 1mm, 0.7mm and 0.5mm cutters.
I do like the KX1.
Edited By Jim Guthrie on 12/07/2011 23:11:44