Exeter’s new club track


Exeter’s new club track

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      EDMES track gets live steam test


        Exeter has never had a live steam track in the city before now despite having some significant engineering firms and the engineering minded staff one would expect to go along with that.
        However that has been corrected with the first live steam engine to try the initial part of the new club's track on 20 Aug 2020.

        There are clubs with tracks nearby, such as Tiverton and Newton Abbot but nothing actually in Exeter. There was a club based around a track at a nearby farm about 30 years ago.

        However after a new club formed a few years ago a site was found and trac planning has been underway for a while. With lockdown relaxing some members have been able to get to the site in the fine weather, rarer in the west country than the south east with its concentration fo clubs, and have laid some track. As a Grade 2* listed site we are only alowed to dig 4in deep to lay some track bed at ground level so the site access for other activities is not impeded. As samuel had brought his Ajax up for a steam test it seemed natural to finalise the test with a run on the track.

        EDMES is centred around St Katherin's Priory next to Morrissons and is carrying out track works on Tuesdays and Thursdays. When permitted the club has monthly evening meetings and a chat session on Friday mornings in the Priory tea room.

        Nigel Graham 2

          Well Done, Exeter, and our Best Wishes!

          Chat sessions in a tea-room… I approve!


            Way to go gents, and ladies

            Some nice positive news


              Excellent! Fantastic to hear of a new track opening.


                Great news – well done Exeter.

                In the West Country we have 2 new track projects ongoing – Exeter and Taunton who have acquired their own site.

                At my club – Tiverton – we are pleased to have some members who are also involved in these projects – and we enjoy all the good news of their progress.



                  Just don't go too fast down this section
                  edmes track sept.jpg
                  'cos you might er run out of track. Now what have we forgotten, oh yes some ballast would help.
                  track 3 grass.jpg
                  Well actually they were just teting the fit as we found it pays to make the track first on our table jig then set the alignment to the actual track piece.
                  track 3 assembly.jpg
                  The long and heavy bar is used to set the gradient for each section and after ballasting to check the paving slabs are laid flat. We are not using loose trak ballast as the landlord doesn't want anything available for the kids to throw around.
                  track 3 preparation.jpg
                  Progress will be slowed with new processes to comply with the latest restrictions as we go back to smaller groups and wider separation.

                  Anyone in the area can still join the club as although new advice prevent casual drop ins we are still active with a zoom coffee yesterday morning and another zoom evening meeting last night and every single day Ces send out an email of club news and jokes.


                    This was wrongly posted as a "Report" of bazyle's opening post

                    "INCORRECT INFORMATION The old EDMS had a raised track in the grounds of the old orthopaedic hospital in Barrack road. Regular steam up's was always popular with both patients and public. This was much closer to the city centre than the priory site. It also had exhibitions in the old police station in waterbeer street, St Georges Hall and the wine cellars in Palace Gate. Meeting were held in the club hut , a nissan hut on the end of the iron bridge, Police gymnasium, basement of the Royal Albert museum before moving to a site at Stoke Cannon. My father was a member of EDMS and I have known the club for over 70 years and it was always well known in the City. Richard Hill"

                    John Hill 16


                      One of the many EDMES steam ups at the orthopaedic track. The chap with the flat cap is Stan Eves Down, lived in Bonhay road and worked for Garton and King one of the many engineering firms in Exeter. The chap on the engine I believe is Bill Manley and the little girl centre is his daughter Brenda. Stan built a working 2ins scale TE from scratch, ( Claton and Shuttlworth I believe ) he made the patterns and had them cast at work. His workshop was a 6 x 8 wooden shed with a 2,1/2 lathe a hand cranked bench drill and a hand shaper! I think the chap far right tending the loco is Len Hiscocks.

                      Those were happy days, john hill


                        This is really great infomation for us, Thanks John. We don't unfortunately have any members from the old club at present but if any are aroud you are welcome to join in our current meetings – now limitted to zoom calls..
                        The secretary tells me he has some photographs of the old club including some of the exhibitions in St Georges Hall plus some paperwork associated with the club, and the old club sign. I wonder where the locos from your picture are now.

                        Interesting mention of Garton & King and to hear they had some modellers in their staff. We had a talk from one of their family (which now only runs the Aga shop in town) and manhole covers with their name are all over Devon, including my remote village.

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