>The sales brochure also gives the spindle thread as 1″ x 12 TPI, which you asked about before. It would be Whitworth thread form, being British made. Same thread as a Drummond M-type.
Just a heads up that post-war vintage British lathes might not be Whitworth.
I have an old unbranded lathe of the Randa/BSW or possibly Winchester Model H type.
All BSF threads in rest of the fasteners but the spindle thread is definitely 1″ x 12 UNF.
Confused me for while because I was buying an ML8 faceplate from ebay and a 1″x 12 backplate from RDG which I struggled to fit and required a lot of thread scraping. Then I tried a UNF 1″ x 12 nut, screwed on without a problem. The threads on the spindle are definitely 60 degrees rather than the Whitworth 55 degrees.
I can’t imagine that anyone would go to the trouble of re-cutting the spindle nose on such a cheap lathe, perhaps spindles were a bought in item from the USA in the 1950s.