I live 100 km south of Auckland and have a Boxford Model A (1953).
I have done various projects on the Boxford and recorded them in 24+ YouTube videos:
This includes stripping down and overhauling the head, and a few other parts, rewiring the motor for reverse and making several different attachments for the lathe. It started out as a beginners lathe tutorial, although I am no expert myself.
The first major project was to build several versions of the Hero's steam engine which was described by Heron of Alexandria 2000 years ago. I wanted to prove that it could do mechanical work. I built one that reached 5400 RPM and was able to lift a weight on a crane and from that I could calculate its power and efficiency.
It is all described in detail in a web site I built:
I inherited a Hero's steam engine which my grandfather built 100 years ago and that is what sparked mu interest. I had his version running at 2400 RPM.
I also inherited the Boxford lathe from my father. He was a high school teacher in Engineering at Te Puke High School. When they upgraded their lathes he bought the least used one of 6 and now I have it.
I was in his class for 4 years and went to University of Canterbury (NZ) to do engineering but didn't get into engineering school. So I ended up doing a PhD and then going to medical school in Miami. In between I lived in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, Ulm Germany, and several American cities but now back in New Zealand. I am now semi-retired and full time lathe student.
Someone was asking for sources of information about Boxford lathes so I might as well include some links here:
He has a facebook group page for Boxford users with over 400 members and is about to close the doors to new members due to abuse. Called
Simply Lathes
Have you joined the Boxford Users Group. It has over 300 members and is an excellent source of information and discussion, photos, documents etc..
Happy Turning everyone!