Michael, that is good news even if the lights are being hidden under some sort of bushel.
It seems that an awful lot of wind turbines are not rotating when we see them.
Either they are down for maintenance or repair ( So much for reliability and durability!) or are they not required, and so shut down. Since wind produces only a small percentage of the load requirement, it seems strange.
The electricity produced may be free, but the obstacle is the capital cost of set up, and maintenance, in often unfriendly, or inaccessible environments. (Who wants to climb a wind turbine tower in the middle of a winter North Sa gale?)
To stop, or even better, reverse climate change we need to stop burning fossil fuels (But every living thing emits carbon dioxide, so maybe population (Animal as well as human) control should be considered.
But the world still needs oil, for lubrication, so we can’t stop drilling until an easily and economically available alternative is available. And without oil, we will have a lot less plastic from which to make things!
In Sweden, very many dwellings, where possible,have their own mini hydro electric plants, so perhaps that is another avenue that should be investigated in UK and any other country where the geography makes it possible.
We need to find as many as possible ways of generating emission free electricity, if only to charge our “Zero Emission” cars, and our increasingly electricity reliant life styles and businesses.
Maybe we should set an example by reverting to treadle powered machines for our hobby?