Posted by Paul Lousick on 25/07/2021 23:55:38:
Muriatic acid is a form of hydrochloric acid. But while hydrochloric acid contains only HCI molecules, muriatic acid is made up of HCI molecules as well as impurities such as iron. (used as a flux when soft slldering galvanizes steel)
'Muriatic acid' is an archaic (although stubbornly current in USA) synonym for hydrochloric acid – without impurities. I think there's confusion here with 'killed spirits', zinc chloride solution, which is traditionally made by adding metallic Zn to HCl until no more Zn will react (the fizzing stops). Or you can buy Baker's Fluid (if it's still available…). It's an aggressive (and corrosive) soft soldering flux.
HCl used to be available to bricklayers for cleaning mortar off bricks ('brick acid' ). Easily available as such in NZ, but dunno about elsewhere.
Edited By Kiwi Bloke on 26/07/2021 09:04:33 – blasted silly winking face thingie removed.
Edited By Kiwi Bloke on 26/07/2021 09:06:00 – typos, and more typos…
Edited By Kiwi Bloke on 26/07/2021 09:08:42