But Terry – we with such printers and scanners are the exception. Most are not working in that realm.
I can also accept that for full sized drawings (originals) are best generated as vector graphicsa, because size for size they are more compact.
As for detail – one can argue as one wishes, however a drawing tends to be one thing, and a photo tends to be another. I was comparing one with the other, and htere can be exceptions both ways.
We are not talking of storing originals. We are talking of a library of errors corrections and mods, generated, in the main not by draughtsmen with specialised systems, but by the average person with average programs and average equipment. Importantly the object is not to pass information about a whole system but in general a cnage to a small part of it.
So, one ought to be looking at what is needed to achieve that aim, and what most people are most likely to do – not what a trained draughtsman with an interest in drawing is likely to do. So I reiterate, as a user of drawings, about the best you will get out of me, and I suspect the majority of others, will be an A41:1 scan annotated , probably by hand. If you personally want that converted to vector graphics, by all means, and post it as such too. However such a conversion, in terms of function, will make not the slightest difference to the vast majority of users.
As for my attitude – that I am afraid is one of life’s little tragedies that you will have to live with, because I for one have absolutely no intention of finding, downloading, setting up and learning to use special or new and unfamiliar graphics platforms, which are, other than on the rarest occasion, going to be of not the slightest use to me. For the ordinary modeler they would be no more than additional claggage on an already fragmented hard drive.
All that approach would do is drive people away from the library – because plainly they are not going to be able to use it.
In short, may I suggest you stop thinking like an expert draughtsman, and start thinking like the majority of the “clientele” with whom you wish to communicate – some of whom, if you go back though the threads, can’t visualise a part from a plain 3 view.
That being so, its probably best if you communicate in a language with which they, not you, are familiar.
I’m glad by the way that you have found your find your caps key. That must be a great comfort.