Posted by Bo'sun on 05/05/2021 07:29:01:
…. As Andrew say's, opening up 0.05mm will probably put less strain on the collet than closing it down 1.0mm.
I've read putting anything too big into an ER32 collet damages it and think the danger is real.
Collets fit snugly into a cone inside the chuck and are compressed down from fully open. If 'fully open' is forced wider by ramming an oversized object into the collet, the collet expands and won't fit the cone properly. If the operator squeezes the misfitted collet hard by tightening up with a spanner, he could permanently bend the collet. If that happens, the collet is ruined. Dostorted collets can't grip anything properly.
I doubt the operating range stamped on ER collets is highly accurate. The dimensions are nominal. My metric set accepts maximum size diameters as a light push fit, which means the collet must be slightly oversized. How oversized an ER collet can be doesn't seem to be covered by the specification, so I guess some are more generous than others. All that can be said is that 19mm collets will take 19mm diameter shafts. The latitude would allow a penny conscious collet maker to sell 3/4" collets as 19mm. A 19mm collet might take 3/4" (19.05mm) or not, but if it's been sold as 3/4" it's probably OK.
If a 3/4" shank fits gently into a 19mm collet, it's good to go. If it's unwilling, don't force it.