Posted by B Tulley on 22/04/2022 20:46:05:
. Not sure how else I can check the collets though?
When I recently made a new spindle for my Proxxon milling machine, (posted elsewhere on the Forum). Knowing whether any run-out I was getting at the spindle was due to the Collet, or my workmanship, was a primary requirement. I checked the collets before hand in the following manner.
A ground dowel of nominal collet diameter was gripped in the lathe collet chuck. The dowel was checked to see if it was parallel to the lathe centre-line, in the vertical plane. The subject collet was then placed over the dowel and abutted against the collet holding the dowel.
A DTI was then set to indicate on the cone diameter and the collet rotated by hand whilst gently urging it against the "holding Collet". The collets I had obtained from Arc showed no signs of error with my 0.002mm division clock.
Admittedly this does assume the two end faces in contact are perfectly square. However if this is this problem it will show by a progressively low spot reading. At both locations of the clock on the cone diameter. Turning the collet end for end on the dowel should eliminate this sort of error. If it persists then I would say the error is run-out
When I installed the new spindle and checked with one of my collets. Using the same dowel, and DTI, TIR was less than one division on the clock. Which for milling is good enough for me.