Sorry, missed the bit about larger ones. ‘Nominal’ wrt ER collets, to me, means exactly that – it will accept a shaft of that size with the maximum run-out specified (but will compress by a certain amount to accommodate a slightly smaller diameter, but not with the eccentricity specified for that ‘nominal’ value). Perhaps a little confusing as I would expect the biggest to mean the largest.
On the second point, you were clear in your assessment and I was clear with mine (with the reasons for my concerns being explicit). Salient points for the ER system being advantageous. I could have added a couple of advantages of the Clarkson but chose not to.
For clarity one advantage might be a more securely held cutter (but I have never experienced a cutter moving within the collet – perhaps because I tighten my ER collets to a rather higher degree than many). Another might be the relative ease/speed of changing collets – what with the ER system requiring a much higher torque and my collets generally being already fitted with the cutter.
Yet another advantage of the ER collet system is that they can accommodate a small range of sizes below that ‘nominal’ size, thus allowing the use of some metric collets to hold slightly smaller standard size imperial cutters.
Please note that I used the word ’may’ which is not definitive. I have both. I use both. But I do prefer the ER. I mentioned that I had a different type of collet holder but did not suggest there was anything that stopped me using it. I consider that most tools are a compromise – there are very few ideal situations within the hobby.
The OP has more than sufficient points to consider – and remember he is only wishing to initially buy a single set of ER collets.