Engineering Workshop practice


Engineering Workshop practice

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    luke johnson

      I have been an engineer since I've left school, im only 24, I've just acquired my great grandfathers engineering workshop practice books all three volumes but I cannot find a date for which they were published and what edition they are, lucky for me though I have a rough date of 1941 as they are still in the original box they were sent to my great grandfather.

      Is anyone able to tell me when these were published and what edition, the book says new and revised edition, so im thinking they could be a 2nd edition? Can anyone clarify this for me please?

      luke johnson

        Dates for the books

        Richard S2

          I have a set (3 vols) black hardback and fine condition throughout. Interesting reading. However my set has no reference to a publishing date, or which edition it is. Suspect 40s/50s.

          Suggest you have a read of this Topic from a few years ago on the same subject-


          Enjoy them.


          Bob Stevenson

            My understanding is that the 'no date' editions are the 1940 edition printed for war use in large volume with a 'war quality' binding,…although the post war editions up to 1952 have no better bindings either.

            Howard Lewis

              The "Workshop Technology" books (3 Volumes ) by W A J Chapman were originally published in 1943.

              The main thing is that although comments upon materials, and in particular tool steels, and cutting speeds, may be dated, the basic principles remain the same..


                Posted by Howard Lewis on 21/05/2021 20:50:59:

                The "Workshop Technology" books (3 Volumes ) by W A J Chapman were originally published in 1943.

                The main thing is that although comments upon materials, and in particular tool steels, and cutting speeds, may be dated, the basic principles remain the same..


                Different books, Howard. Luke was asking about 'Engineering Workshop Practice' which was edited by A.W.Judge and published by Caxton.

                George B.

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