Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 14/07/2023 09:38:23:
Might look like product promotion, but I vote 'not guilty'.
Blue Heeler has posted many other videos of this type covering umpteen other small engines, old, new, Western and Far Eastern. Taken as a whole, his posts don't look like a sales pitch to me. Just sharing an interest in what's out there.
Pays to suspect everything though – the internet is wild and hairy!
Thanks Dave.
I have around 500 videos on my channel, anyone who has spent even a little while perusing my channel and seeing my engines in my collection knows that I'm model nut be it steam, IC engine, flame gulper etc etc.
I'm enthusiastic about the hobby and part of the hobby for me is sharing.
For me also, I enjoy watching other unboxing new or old engines that they have just received and living vicariously through their enjoyment.
There's always bitter people, always has been always will be…..I've never let their bitterness taint my enjoyment.