UPDATE : using Loctite on the piston nut did not help but it does not hurt either. Now I will not have to worry about this nut coming loose. I found that the binding only occurred under pressure and when I disconnected the air hose and turn the flywheel by hand the engine gradually loosened up. This indicated a problem with my valve settings. I found that the valve on the RH cylinder was not centred so I unscrewed it from the eccentric one full turn and this seems to have solved the major problem.
1. The RH cylinder is still giving a few problems : it requires about twice as much pressure (about 5 PSI) as the LH cylinder and even then it runs much slower. There is also a knock which I cannot locate. Any suggestions there ?
2. I also removed the gland packing as a possible source of friction and I have found that it makes no difference to the running of the engine. What is the point of it ?
Edited By Brian John on 06/09/2014 05:29:51
Edited By Brian John on 06/09/2014 05:31:28