I for one think it is an excellent magazine, lets face it, there isn't a similar publication that is anything close to what we have here. As for articles relating to the beginners, there is always something new to learn and perhaps a better way of completing a task in a different way that may be better. No one knows everything there is to know about the subject and I welcome these articles even though I have many years experience in engineering.
As for the direction the magazine is taking, I enjoy some of the tangential subjects in vehicle and electronic applications and long may it continue. We all have cars and many of us restore or rebuild automotive projects ranging from motorbikes to classic cars. Some of the topics that have been focussed on recently (removal of rust or paint for example) apply to many areas from restoring a lathe or the removal of corrosion on a machined surface all of which is entirely relevant to what we enjoy.
I would like to see more articles on workshop construction, be it wooden or bricks along with fitting out such buildings with electrics or may be air systems. My own workshops resemble more of a construction of a house with many elaborate wiring and electrical applications. I have ceiling mounted lifting gear, compressed air plumbing and computer systems such as internet cabling etc. These days we all live in a hi-tech world and we all rely on computers and the associated hardware that goes with them, so what about articles on installing Cap3 cables, routers, cnc applications etc. The list is endless but one thing is for sure, we all use it in some form. Many of us aspire to have DRO's on our machines, so what about installing and fitting out a lathe with one of the proprietary DRO units that are commercially available. Living with old fashioned methods that may have been around for years is fine, but things have moved on and we are all able to take advantage of all these exciting new products that are available.
It is true that cutting a piece of metal on a lathe or mill is the same process that it has always been but these days there are many electronic aids to help us do it more accurately, I can't remember the last time I used a micrometer or a vernier that wasn't digital, it's just the way these things have evolved.
So lets continue with the diversification and innovative ideas the magazine has to offer, I will be renewing my subscription at the end of the year along with a digital subscription so I can read all the articles on my computer.
Mr Editor, keep up the good work, you are producing one of the best magazines out there, I am very happy with what you are doing and look forward to the articles to come.
Edited By mickypee on 24/09/2014 11:18:11
Edited By mickypee on 24/09/2014 11:19:13