Bill, I'm also building Emma Victoria. It is my first loco build and it seems I'm at a similar stage to you. I have all the boiler plates flanged, bushes made and tubes cut. Just ready to start gluing it togethger. Joined the local choo choo club and will be presenting the bits to the inspector for his approval soon.
I didn't realise what a big task building a loco is but it dawns on you when you quickly get the frames done and wheels in that you've only just scratched the surface. I have retired about a month ago so will have more time to get on with it. Problem is the boss thinks the house decoration has suffered a bit lately (I think its ok) so when that's sorted it should bring the warmer weather for spending time in the workshop.
I have been recently fitting a 3 axis DRO to my milling machine oh and the Farm Boy which I thought I could quickly knock out? and the Rotary table controller all take time.
I am determined to finish Emma as I think it looks such a lovely little engine for me and grandsons to play with. It seems it has attracted a bit of criticism from the more experienced builders but I hope one day to prove them wrong?
Didn't notice about the injector but if I get that near to completion I'll just go out and buy one (us rich baby boomers do that)