"It approaches its target at a depth of 1km at a speed of 200km/h. There's no way of stopping this underwater drone. The warhead on it has a yield of up to 100 megatonnes.
"The explosion of this thermonuclear torpedo by Britain's coastline will cause a gigantic tsunami wave up to 500m high…. "
So says Mr. Putin's mouthpiece, but I wonder how far out in the Atlantic it would really be detonated, since if 1000m depth is where it's meant to fire, that is beyond the Continental Shelf. Such a wave formed as a swell of 500m peak-to-peak amplitude would break a long way out at sea, because its root depth of 250m below sea-level is about twice Continental Shelf edge depth.
Yes, it would devastate coastal settlements as a mass of tumbling, fast-moving rolls of water; but not penetrate ever so far inland, depending on topography, forest cover, etc..
The radiation would be the greater danger..
It would need be delivered by a drone, too. Even the Kremlin night not want one of its submarines hoist by its own petard, and her compatriot boats would not want to be in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans at the time. For the shock-wave and its underwater echoes from a major explosion at 1km depth would spread spherically, losing amplitude by inverse-square law of distance but still very dangerous for a very long way, perhaps helped by natural wave-guide characteristics in the ocean.
Anyway, I wonder more how much truth there is in the claim; or if it's just Putin showing his contempt for the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland…. The Faeroes, Iceland, the Canary Islands, France, maybe Spain.
It might just be wildly exaggerated claims by Russian Federation military scientists seeking to impress their leader.
I don't know the comparative power in Mt, but the final blast of the Krakatau volcano in 1883 created a tsunami devastating coastal communities for a long way around SW Asia; and possibly detected by tide-gauges in Cornwall. That was underwater but at relatively shallow depth: a long series of eruptions appears to have so weakened the volcano that it collapsed and allowed cold sea-water to flood a huge volume of rock at over 1000ºC, creating a colossal flash-steam burst.