Very much a Tea Room Thread as it isn't model engineering, but I figured it would have more potential experts than most of the forums I visit.
While Idly browsing some data on the contents of American survivalists stashes I notice they often have a small radio for receiving emergency broadcasts from the government. In the UK I think we used to use AM radios for this, but suspect its all FM now.
What has happened to the UK emergency radio transmissions now that Digital is replacing analog radio? Has that shifted over too, or is it running in parallel with Analog transmission?
After a brief search I found some documents discussing and making recomendations to the government on the issue but nothing actually concrete.
To précis, If the sirens went, what kind of radio should I take down to my shelter to listen for the All Clear?
(I don't have a bunker, most sirens went away for scrap long ago, this is all out of interest!).