Hi everyone,
SWMBO has just bought herself an Emco Unimat SL1000. The trouble is, the motor is tripping the RCD. It is not tripping instantly, so it’s not the in-rush, but it trips after 2-3 minutes of running. By the time the RCD trips the motor is warm to the touch, even running no-load. The trip is bypassing the circuit MCB and hitting the master RCD, so it’s a leakage not an overload.
The motor is a 70W, 240v single phase brushed motor. I’ve dismantled the motor and cannot see any obvious faults in the wiring. Using a multimeter I’ve found there is good continuity between the Earth pin and the casing, and open-circuit between Earth and live / neutral (I have no means of doing a proper insulation test of the windings). I’ve tested the motor in two different sheds (so two different RCDs), and with everything else unplugged to rule out the combined effect of a secondary leakage.
Can anyone offer any advice please?