Hi Geoff,
I use these Draw-in No 2 Morse collets as well as my ESX 25. Whereas the ESX, and ER collets have a working range of 0.5 or 1.0 mm, depending on the nominal size of the collet. The Draw-in collets are a little more fussy and need to grip on a nominal diameter or very near.
When I worked on a Hardinge HLV lathe, the Draw-in collets of this machine, (5C) had a gripping tolerance of Nominal to minus 0.025mm or 0.001" set by the manufacturer of the collets. Deviating from this will not only ruin the collet but will seriously effect the collets original concentricity guarantee. These collets would never be used to hold barstock, only turned diameters.
The draw in collet does have an advantage over the ESX, ER collet in that it can hold a shorter length of diameter, especially if this diameter abuts a shoulder. However the gripping capacity of the No 2 Morse collet is inferior to the 5C in these circumstances.
Hope this helps
Edited By Graham Meek on 22/07/2021 11:44:05