I've been looking at the plans for the Elmers Engines #20 Kimble Engine downloaded from the free website, and there seems to be a page missing (page 91).
I like to draw a 3D model on my AutoCAD software before building an engine, just so I can see how it all fits together and where any problem areas are likely to be, so the missing parts appear to be the link arms for the two connecting rods and the eccentric strap, as well as the actual valve itself and the internal seal and seal spring details.
I've tried working the geometry of the link arms out on the CAD software but I can't seem to get it to all line up, despite double checking the dimensions of all the parts already drawn.
Does anyone have a copy of page 91, or plans they have drawn up themselves for the missing parts? Any information would be most appreciated since this looks like a challenging engine to build and I would really like to give it a try.