I read with interest all the comments about "Elf and Safety" in this forum. As a Chartered Safety Practioner I very often come across situations similar to the ones described by the many contributors to this forum.
Many of the situations are caused by a backlash from the Insurance Industry, they of course being concerned with risk and maximising their profit. Generally I find the one thing missing from most situations is our old friend "Common Sense".
I can understand the attitude towards annual PAT testing of semi fixed equipment like computers, but would say that it isn't unknown for employees to damage things during normal every day work situations.
The following is an extract from the HSE Website.
"The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 require that any electrical equipment that has the potential to cause injury is maintained in a safe condition. However, the Regulations do not specify what needs to be done, by whom or how frequently (ie they don't make inspection or testing of electrical appliances a legal requirement, nor do they make it a legal requirement to undertake this annually). "
It is up to you to set the frequency and depth, but you must be prepared to substantiate your decisions in a court of law if necessary!!
It is also worthy of note that the HSE do prosecute organisations for breaches of the rules, but unless an injury or death has happened use their system of warnings and enforcement before taking such action. When prosecutions are successful the penalties these days are severe with large fines and Director/Owners of businesses going to prison.
On a lighter note I enjoy this magazine and most engineering activities and hope everyone looks after their Health and Safety we need all people we can get in this wonderful and rewarding hobby.
Best Wishes
Edited By Brian Lee on 15/01/2015 08:59:22