For those seriously interested in electronics there's a new book out called the X-Chapters. It's a companion volume to the Art of Electronics (edition 3), which is the best book bar none on real world electronics, and is by the same authors.
The book goes into much greater detail on passive components, transistors and opamps. It even discusses the capacitance voltage coefficient for ceramic capacitors versus dielectric type. There's more detail on opamp internal design and characteristics than even the professional is likely to need. It also covers switchmode supplies and some power electronics, although for me at least, those sections are a bit low level compared to the other areas.
There is also a wonderful comparison of a genuine Apple wallwart and a fake import. That should serve as a dire warning to those who buy grey imports to 'save' money.
The book is not cheap, and you really need AoE3 to get the most out of it. It's mostly at the professional level but for the keen amateur it's a most interesting, and challenging, book.
One caveat, it's printed on tissue paper so thin you can see what's printed on the other side of the page. That's a real disappointment, CUP must be going down the pan.
CUP = Cambridge University Press