What a disappointment, I have been developing a crude engine temperature and RPM application for an ARDUINO UNO. Its been a moment working out 1 Wire temperature measurement, I2C LCD screens and Interrupts, but finally it was time to move the development board into the car and see what we could see.
Mounting the DS1820 temperature probes in various places and finding out the for some reason (unresolved) the UNO would only read 4 out of the 5 probes in spite of all the addresses etc being correct. Oh well, 4 probes working wasn't a bad start.
Then mounted the Hall Effect sensor to measure camshaft speed (2 magnets would give RPM.) OK so far.
Now we get the engine running, and the screen goes crazy – OK, it is an unsurpressed 1932 Austin 7. If I move the UNO about 6 feet from the engine, most things settle down. I want to keep the car pretty original (Un Supressed) . If I shield the actual ARDUINO UNO with a metal housing, would that make much difference, or am I on a hiding to nothing ??
Ps, I do have a fly lead attached to Pin 3 which is an external interrupt pin – could this be an "Ariel" ?