26 November 2024 at 16:50 SillyOldDuffer Said:
Quick update, my sounder project temporarily diverted […]
Wishing to design an electromagnet that provides a known force from a given voltage (6V), I’ve been collecting …
Was the 6 Volt level that you mention “standard” for Telegraphs … and if so, what was the tolerance ?
Sort of. I’ve read a number of old books and they tend to be a bit vague! Also apparent that back then the different telegraph and railway companies did their own thing – very little standardisation. Early telegrams were mostly handled by the railway companies. They needed telegraphy for operational reasons, and were pleased to recoup the cost by allowing the public to send messages. Later the GPO got in the act, and there were commercial and technical shenanigans when their network was connected to the railway systems. Different operating voltages were part of the problem. US and British books don’t agree either.
Seems most telegraph systems signalled at about 70V, and sometimes sounders were directly connected to the line. More usual though for the line to operate a relay, and for the sounder and other equipment to be driven by a local battery, often a group of Zinc/Copper Crows Foot cells:

More detail here. Quite elaborate! “The electrolyte is derived from a blue vitriol and water solution. The blue vitriol must completely cover the copper element, and sufficient water must be added to cover the zinc element. A teaspoonful of sulphuric acid is added to this solution to give the best results. In order to prevent creeping of the electrolytic salts, the top of the jar is generally dipped into hot paraffine. Best results are obtained by pouring a layer of pure mineral oil over the top of the electrolyte, because it prevents evaporation as well as the creeping of salts. To put the battery into service after these steps have been taken, it is necessary only to place the cell an a short circuit for about 24 hours. This action produces a light liquid called sulphate of zinc, which forms around the zinc element and protects it. The copper sulphate solution, which remains at the lower end of the jar, is the heavier liquid. Very little care is required for the maintenance of gravity cells, because all they require is an abundant supply of blue vitriol and water. The best results are obtained when both liquids meet at a point midway between the zinc and copper elements. When the blue line falls too low, that is, on the level with or below the top of the copper element, blue vitriol and water should be added. When the copper sulphate begins to fade in color to a light blue, it indicates that blue vitriol should be added. Care must be taken that the blue vitriol crystals fall to the bottom and do not rest on the zinc crowfoot. The blue line should never be permitted to reach the zinc element. If the line rises anywhere near the zinc, the copper sulphate should be siphoned out by means of a hydrometer syringe, or the cell placed on a short circuit. As long as the cell continues in action, the quantity of sulphate of zinc increases. When this becomes too dense, or above 1.15 specific gravity, the top of the liquid should be siphoned out and water added to the remainder.”
About 1.1V based on Zinc having a standard potential of -0.76V on the electrochemical series, and Copper being +0.34V
Not difficult to make a replica. If only I had time.
Doesn’t look as if tolerances were tight, and I’ve not found mention of anything as sophisticated as a voltmeter!
A later book mentions the battery being a 6V accumulator, and I went with that because 6V batteries and PSUs are readily available today. Thought about 5V from a USB wall-wart too, but dropping the voltage reduces an electromagnets response time.
Trying to build up the enthusiasm necessary to tackle some magnet maths today and find I would much rather take a nap!