Electrical Generator/motor


Electrical Generator/motor

Home Forums Beginners questions Electrical Generator/motor

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  • #46146
    Adrian Gough
      I would like to make a motor/ generator for a small model beam engine.
      When under steam or air power to genrate enough power to light a few tiny laps r LEDs. Also to drive he beam engine from a battery when there is no steam or air available.
      If Model Engineer ever ran an article I would like to know.
      Adrian Gough
          Cotswold do a kit, I know some of their stuff has been covered in ME but not sure of the generator
          John Haine

            I seriously suggest that you cheat, use a standard permanent magnet motor disguised to look “scale”.  Motor will operate perfectly well as a generator as well as a motor when you want it to.

            Ian S C

              You should be able to find a low voltage electric motor.They may be found in old printers,old battery power tools(only thing wrong,dead battery),also old VHS recorders ect,should be able to pick up as freebees,you’ll find pleanty for the junk box,ie there are often little bearing races and other useful bits.Ian s c

              Engine Builder
                Not wishing to discourage you but beam engines were never used to power generators.
                A high speed engine would be needed.
                Adrian Gough

                  Thanks all. I was coming to the conclusion that to ‘cheat’ would be the most sensible way to work round my problem.Adrian gough

                  Ian S C

                    Hi Adrian,its quite possible to disguise a small low voltage motorto look like a generator of what ever vintage you care for.When choosing a motor,look for onewith low revs and a higher voltage,say 24v(12v OK),usually the bigger the motor the more current that can be got out of it,it does’nt matter because you’ll get about 50per cent of what is put in,maybe less.If you use a reasonable size motor you’ll be able to turn the steam engine overwith ease.Use rechargable batteries and they may be recharged by the generator.Ian S C

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