Electrical enclosure/case modification and liability?


Electrical enclosure/case modification and liability?

Home Forums Electronics in the Workshop Electrical enclosure/case modification and liability?

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  • #186959
    Malcolm Bannister

      I've had issues with old rubber cable before. Some seems to last for ages and other stuff just crumbles after a short while. Must be down to different compositions.

      Edited By Malcolm Bannister on 19/04/2015 13:14:02

      Phil Whitley

        CE marking!!! don't make me laugh, ever since the Chinese announced that NOTHING that they mark "CE" is actually tested as such for sale in the EEC, and that the letters "CE" stamped on all their products stands for "China Export" the CE mark has been absolutely worthless. I am an electrical engineer who regularly fits lights in Bathrooms, which are Stamped CE and marked "suitable for use in bathrooms" They are made in China, marked CE, approved by the local authority inspector, and the quality is absolute rubbish. Your first reply was absolutely correct, the power supply is a sealed and earthed unit, and the power beyond that box is low voltage, you need have no worries,. If you are going to do a lot of these, and make a lot of money, and want peace of mind, get third party liability insurance, it is a lot cheaper than most people think.

        Neil Wyatt

          The CE of china export doesn't have a space like the European C E.

          Some Chinese made kit is properly C E certified, not least the little First Direct security code generator in front of me now, although I can't see how something running on 1.5V is going to be a hazard!


          Edited By Neil Wyatt on 19/04/2015 20:05:40

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