Posted by Robert Atkinson 2 on 24/08/2023 07:56:59:
I was not implying that all chinese items are junk, but this is
The metal bodied connectors used for the motor power and feedback are not safe for use on the voltages that the motor runs on.
Trouble is people ignore the rules due to "normalisation" of the supply and use of non-compliant items – until someone dies then the fertiliser hits the air mover. Then there is a clamp down or / and knee-jerk legislation that also affects the people who were doing the right thing as well as the chancers.
An example of this is the proposal to make e-bike compliance subject to 3rd party review. This will add cost and delay to market for responsibe manufacturers whose bike wrer already safe. The chancers will just print false documents. I've seen this with pulse oximeters. Bought one that was CE marked an had a notiifed body reference. On checking it turns out thet notified bod don't do pulse oximeters 
Exactly spot on, correct and already slowly being realised by the authorities.
One clear example was the Trading Standards seizing of approximately a thousand cheap chinese diesel air heaters. late last year. These heaters, while being cheap and likely without the best of instructions, were (IMO0) ‘satisfactory’ for the purpose for which they were designed – if used responsibly. They were offered as vehicle parking heaters, not for installing inside habitable buildings, which has become a popular use – according to the number of youtube videos on their use.
But lets agree, here, that lots of things are used for purposes they were not designed for. One example is the alarming number of knife-crime threats, injuries and deaths – using tools, designed for kitchen (or other legal applications) as weapons.