Hackworth gear is not as simple as it looks, but as said, the Sweet Pea design is worth looking at and will be similar to yours.
Without knowing exactly what you have, it is hard to be specific but a few general points:
How have you arrived at the valve length? It should be the length over the steam ports plus an addition for lap at each end. The lap is typically from 75 to 100 percent of the port width. 75 percent is probably adequate in this case. The exhaust cavity in the valve should be centrally placed, and its length equal to the length over the port bars.
Are the valves positioned correctly on the spindles? They should open the ports equally (but usually not fully) at each end of their travel when the engine is in full gear, in both forwards and reverse though there may be slight variation between the directions. If you can achieve this by adjustment of the valve spindle, then the valve is not too long.
Are the return cranks correctly set? They should be at 180 degrees to the crankpin, i.e. exactly opposite.
Edited By Redsetter on 27/04/2022 03:01:18