Edit Z length problem


Edit Z length problem

Home Forums CAD – Technical drawing & design Edit Z length problem

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  • #214719
    Neil Wyatt


      I'm trying to create a simple 3D model in Turbocad 21, with several tubes in it.

      I'm making tubes by creating a circle, extruding it into a cylinder and subtracting a longer cylinder from the first one.

      But if I copy a cylinder and try and change its z-length, it moves in the Z direction instead.

      I can edit the X and Y dimensions fine.

      Is this because the object is extruded in the Z-direction? If so how can I make its z-length editable?


      Neil Wyatt
        Gary Wooding

          The easiest way is to select the extrusion (the tube), right click to bring up Properties, then, if not already chosen, choose Simple Extrude Shape and set the height (which is the Z dimension) to whatever you want.

          By the way, instead of creating a tube by extruding a circle and and then subtracting another extruded circle from it , try drawing two concentric circles and boolean subtracting the inner one from the outer, then extruding resulting torus.

          Another way is to draw the two concentric circles as above, then Simple Extrude and then right click and choose Use Compound Profile, then, with the shift key depressed, select the circles, release the shift key, and the extrude will work as before but the result will be a tube.

          Neil Wyatt

            I figures it out now – changing the length of a simple extrude just moves the 2D shape that it is generated from, you have to change the extrude length in the properties. But if you do a subtract on the object, it becomes a true solid and you can alter its length. very confusing a 'simple extrude' is NOT the same as a 'TC 3D surface'!

            So many ways to do the same thing… thanks Gary.


            Colin Heseltine

              Neil, it's a heavy learning curve.. I just bought Latest version of TC are midland show. Never used cad before and trying to draw up brackets to fit DRO to Cowells Lathe. Drew up main bracket which was great help when making it. A few articles in mag by a turbocad expert would be good.

              Out of interest would a one page article on fitting DRO to the Cowells lathe and or mill be any use for the mag.



                Turbocad articles, I would second that

                Neil Wyatt

                  I have got an author promising me an introduction to Turbocad series. <gets out sharp stick>, >poke< >poke<


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