My eccentrics are made the reverse of the conventional arrangement and have the female slot in the eccentric instead of the strap. Turning an external slot in the eccentric is easier than boring an internal slot in the strap.

The faces of the eccentric straps machined and the casting bore cleaned up (left undersize). Position of cut marked out using digital readout on the mill. Holes for bolts drilled. Straps cut in half and the mating faces machined flat.

The 2 halves of the strap bolted together with a piece of shim material in between. (replace with thinner shim later to adjust the gap). The strap then clamped between 2 plates and centred on the lathe.
Then the eccentric strap can be bored straight thru to the finished diameter. No difficult internal slots to bore. The outer, larger bore then turned.
The strap then turned over to machine the opposite side. A dial indicator used to re-centre the strap but is not that critical as the outside recess is only a clearance fit with the mating eccentric.

Material for the eccentric being turned and and the strap used as a gauge for a running fit. Then parted off and face cleaned up.

Eccentric centred on the mill and an undersize hole drilled thru, using the DRO to measure the offset from the centre.
Then returned to the lathe and used a centre in the tailstock to position the eccentric on the chuck. Chuck jaws carefully tightened to hold the eccentric in position for the filal boring of the hole. (could have used a boring head on the mill but did not have one at that time)