After suggesting this as a method to someone else I thought I had to try it for real. I bought a Chinese 2 in 1 Digital Angle Ruler, with an LCD scale resolving angles to 0.05 degrees.
MT3 requires 1.4377 degrees od offset on your top slide. Best possible on the 0.5 degree LCD was 1.45. I set the angle between topslide and chuck face to 90-1.45 = 88.55 degrees.
I chucked up a piece of 1" diameter cold rolled and turned a taper 1 5/8" long. The tailstock was not involved in the turning.
I tried it for a fit in the tailstock taper and it felt tight. I removed it, added a line of felt tip and tried again. Contact end to end, best in the middle.
I am not used to succeeding quite this easily. Perhaps reality is at fault?