A debate is raging locally: when changing a car-type dynamo from positive to negative earth, what needs to be altered?
1. One view is that the output depends on how the dynamo is polarised (ie which way round the residual magnetism is) – so, no change to the wiring, just connect up to the reversed battery and close the cut-out contacts briefly (ie pulling them apart again).
2. The other view is that either the field winding or the armature brush connections should be reversed (not both) as well as changing polarity as above.
My opinion is that a shunt dynamo is the same as a motor, and a shunt motor will go the same way round whichever way the battery is connected, so I incline to view 1 above. And that this applies only to the dynamo, and only to one relying entirely on electromagnets, not permanent ones. In my opinion, too, changing one of the windings round is what you do to reverse the rotation, not the polarity. But I have been wrong before …
[The whole problem is simpler, of course, if the body of the dynamo is not earthed or grounded – but those on vehicles generally are, dammit.]
Comments, please – which view is correct?
Regards, Tim