DuckDuckGo is an independent search engine, mostly based on Open Source software, with a high-performance architecture.
Although paid for by advertising, its business model is to compete head on with Google & others by catering for customers concerned with privacy issues. This is quite dangerous for Google, who depend on collecting customer data as a way of targeting advertising. Google must be concerned about the ever increasing number of people aware of privacy issues and the possibility that they might be damaged by a major privacy scandal, such as an egregious leak.
DuckDuckGo isn't a couple of blokes in a shed. Although the number of direct employees is rather small, this is because they buy in infrastructure as a service, ie it's hosted in the modern way on various large commercial data centres around the world and managed by a third party.
The search engine has introduced some useful innovations like the bang feature. Say you're looking for a stepper motor. If you enter a query like !amazonuk nema, it will search Amazon only, possibly using Amazon's search engine, if it's got one. DuckDuckGo makes it very easy to try several other search engines to see what they return: try !bing nema, !yahoo nema, !ebay nema and !google nema
Edited By SillyOldDuffer on 19/12/2016 14:52:17