I bought a Drummond Round bed for £21 – bargain obviously.
The saddle was cracked and while it was OK I found a replacement for £29 on eBay
I needed to buy a motor £40 secondhand
The lathe came with a small three jaw with only one set of jaws so I adapted the spindle to take modern mini lathe chucks and bought 3 and 4 jaw chucks – about £180
I made my own countershaft with v pulleys (the lathe had already been fitted with a v pulley) – about £50
I now had a hundred year old used, but OK, lathe.
All great fun, but I would have still needed to buy a drill chuck, centres and lathe tools.
I would not have missed it for the world as an experience, but the lathe on my bench at present is a bought new Sieg SC3 Mini Lathe.
You can't measure the pleasure and the education I had from the Drummond, but the figures can't lie I'm afraid.
Edited By Nick Clarke 3 on 28/10/2021 09:16:48