Gazeley is a 'work' of missguidance and thoeretical stupidity and should be chucked as soon as possible by any clock maker who wants to learn about escapements…..There!..I said it!
Five years ago when I was making Brocot escapements I was handed Gazeley as some kind of clock de3sign 'bible' but in fact, it's impossible to use Gazeley's descriptions to make a working escapement. He suggests that to understand any 'scapement one merely needs to draw it out using his layout,…however, this is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve using this crap book! My own copy now resides under the corner of a long-case that needed to be made upright! There used to be many members of my clock club who believed Gazeley to be the Word of God, but NOBODY has bee nable to draw the Brocot using his description and many have now seen this rubbish for what it is, namely, a massive wrong turn for any learning clock enthusiast.
The best and most easy text to understand (and confirm in practice) is 'Practical Clock Repair' by Don. D' Carle…see the lower half of page 135 (previous pages are also helpful) and use the described method to calculate required drop.