The Bren Gun was an automatic weapon and it fired standard British .303 rifle ammunition. It was quite a heavy weapon and this weight would have reduced the recoil somewhat but it was still regarded as difficult to use “freehand” and it was generally used on it’s bipod and sometimes on it’s tripod.
Exactly so. Whether or not something like a Bren gun can be fired from a drone depends on how heavy the drone is. I see a Bren gun weighs 9kg, so the drone has to be big enough to lift at least that weight. Rule of thumb, a drone can lift twice it’s own weight, but whilst a 5kg drone could lift the gun, the drone would be unable to absorb the recoil, with no chance of accurate shooting.
For accuacy, we know a fully grown man can fire a Bren gun, and his weight is about 80kg, so the drone would need to be at least that weight too. Ideally more.
The biggest drone on this site can lift 400kg, and I guess it could aim and fire two or three Bren guns accurately. Serious bit of kit, not the sort of machine sold on ebay!
Friend of mine was in his Public School’s OTC. On manoeuvrers, the boys were issued with Lee Enfields and full infantry equipage. Aged 14 he fought another boy for the privilege of carrying the Bren. Said he soon realised he’d made a huge mistake. No joke running through the woods with a full backpack, heavy boots, tin hat, whilst carrying a heavy gun and 6 magazines full of blanks.
How big was the TV drone? Something massive I hope!