DRO using a tablet running Android 4.0


DRO using a tablet running Android 4.0

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  • #161542
    Ken Weeks


      For interest.

      I came across a site "Yuris toys" the owner has written an app that uses a tablet running Android 4 as a DRO display called "Touch DRO.

      His site give info on supported scales and building the required interface,

      He gives a price of less than$50 to build the interface.


      Ken Weeks
        Michael Gilligan

          Well found, Ken

          … however, I should perhaps mention that there has already been extensive discussion [here for example], including major input from "Les Jones 1".

          It's worth reading through that thread.


          Les Jones 1

            Hi Ken,

            If you are planning to use only iGaging typ of scales I would recommend using this version of software for the arduino **LINK**

            I am using an Android tablet for this post which is more difficult than a real PC so I will add more comments when I get back home.


            Ken Weeks

              Thanks for the replies.

              I have been renovating a Pultra 1590 lathe (about a year) the much larger version of the 17xx series.

              It is about ready to use having finally found somebody to make new lead screws and nuts.

              I would like to fit dro to the top slide, cross slide and drilling tail stock, but it only has 7" movement on the cross slide and 4" movement on the top slide, and the complete assembly is removable as per the 17xx series.

              The project is still in the "thinking state" at the moment.

              Any comments etc. would be appreciated.



                They are beautifully made but with no leadscrew you are somewhat restricted on the scope of work the 1590 can perform, it's like a giant watchmakers lathe

                The headstock bearings are super-precision so don't dismantle it on a whim like with a hobby lathe

                There should be a slot running along the length of the rear of the bed which is for the almost non-existent heavy duty 1590 threading attachment but some 1590s don't have this in their casting because they were made to different specifications for specific orders

                They were apparently ridiculously expensive and are quite rare now

                Some models have tapered gibs for the cross slide and top slide


                Edited By Ady1 on 23/08/2014 12:33:14

                Ken Weeks

                  Hi Ady1

                  I have posted a few pictures of the 1590 including one comparing it to a 1750 in Kens album.

                  It is now duck egg blue Pultra did not finish them in green

                  Mine does not have the slot at the back for the thread chasing attachment,but has the tapered gibs.

                  Pultra did offer a thread cutting gearbox and moveable top slide for it, now that would be something to have complete or incomplete.


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