The Sino SDS 2MS 3 axis DRO system I put on my Bridgeport approaching 20 years ago stores teh last set of numbers in all memories when its turned off. Presumably either rechargeable battery for back up or some form of flash RAM.
I park the table after finishing work with the quill over the middle of the table in both axes, set X and Y to zero and store the values in memory locations 0 or 1 which are actually the same location. Something that can be mildly confusing. With the table locks engaged I know it will still be at zero-zero when I return.
First job after firing up is to switch to another memory location so I can play about with offsets et al without looking zero reference.
Last job before shutting down its to switch to memory location 1 (or 0) and wind the table back to zero-zero and engage the table locks.
Unless I carelessly start working using the 0 (or 1) memory location I always know that my baseline centre of table home position is stored. Its been may be 3 years since I last screwed up the zero setting by not changing mermaids on start up.
For actual job I pick up off the work as appropriate. Generally using a Huffam wiggler to pick up off both sides and the 1/2 function to define the middle. Any subsidiary offsets I store in other memory locations.
I don’t worry about Z as that always has to be picked up off the workpiece whatever you do. I prefer to define tool contact as 0.0000 in whatever memory I’m using and go from there. My Z scale is on the knee with raising teh knee set to give negative numbers so I can directly read the cut as – whatever., Quill stays locked for most jobs except drilling, tapping and similar.