Posted by Bogstandard2 on 30/03/2015 23:04:34:
I have two Sino display heads (four measuring heads) on my largish lathe (Chester Crusader) and the display heads can be set to read to 5 digits behind decimal point.
I tried to use it at that setting and it was almost impossible, a fly farting as it went past would cause the display to jump all over the place.
I now only ever use four places on both my lathe and mill, and life is very sweet.
Many years ago when DRO's were mega expensive and very basic one of my customers had machines fitted with Heidenhain DRO's that read to 1/2 a thou. Last digit went 0, 0.5 0, 0.5 etc
When they upgraded to BS 1066 or whatever it was before BS9000 they had to fit all new DRO's to read in tenths
0.0001, 0.0002 etc and I bought a couple of the older two axis ones off them to fit on my round column mill drill, remember paying £400 for a 2 axis second hand setup in those days.
Next time I went into their works ALL the machines had masking tape covering the last digit because the operators were fed up of the dancing numbers. God knows what that operation cost for no outcome.
Edited By John Stevenson on 31/03/2015 09:28:39