Posted by SillyOldDuffer on 23/05/2020 09:25:17:
No need to think you're stupid Kev, you got a quick answer because so many DRO owners ask the same question!

It's rarely explained well in the manuals being one of those obvious when you twig it things that can be totally impenetrable if you don't get it straight away. My usual approach to explaining such things has been to wave a ruler or, better, seamstresses cloth measuring tape at folk. Usually takes a time or three before they agree you need 5 positions to define 4 spaces or whatever. Then roll it round a circle and, usually, the penny drops.
Imperial inches work better than metric centimeteres!
As Jason says you don't actually have to step round the last space as it "should" be right if nothing has moved. Being an untrusting soul I always do the last step. Its never been wrong yet but I just know that the one time I don't and just trust things the gremlins will swoop …
Another point to be wary of is that with many of the affordable DRO systems the more advanced functions either don't work at all or don't behave properly in imperial measurements. Best to check that everything behaves and works as you expect whilst all is new and shiny.
Do as I Say not Do as I Do advice. I'm invariably up to my ears in something complicated when forced into using the clever stuff on anything for the first time. Nowt like a bit of pressure to ensure you get it right first time I say.